Welcome to Mickleover Methodist Preschool
Monday: 9.15 - 12.15pm
Tuesday 9.15 - 4.00pm
Wednesday 9.15 - 4.00pm
Thursday 9.15 - 4.00pm
Friday 9.15 - 4.00pm
Term Time only.
07811 756532

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Our fees

We pride ourselves on offering funded education to all, without barriers.

As a non  profit setting, our funded sessions are fully funded by the government. We do not charge wrap around fees for access to funded hours.

Funded sessions                                                                      Paid for sessions for those not yet funded or requiring extra

9.15 to 12.15 pm (3 hours of funding)                                        9.15 to 12.15 pm      £18

9.15 to 3.15 pm    (6 hours of funding)                                        9.15 to 3.15 pm         £36

1.00 to 4.00 pm    (3 hours of funding)                                        1.00 to 4.00 pm         £18

                                                                                                                           9.15 to 4.00 pm         £41

                                                                                                                           3.15 to 4.00 pm         £5


Welcome to our Preschool

Our goal is for every child to feel happy, valued, cared for, and engaged, 
for children to delight in learning, and grow emotionally, socially, and academically.
We aim to provide an inclusive, stimulating learning environment where children can express themselves and initiate their own learning whilst being supported, guided, and extended by dedicated passionate practitioners.
We will always continuously seek and implement best practices, develop well-being and self-care and collaborate with families, communities, and colleagues.

OFSTED Registered 

Delivering an Early Years Foundation Stage curriculum that meets the needs of our children

Open daily during Term Time 38 weeks of the Year

We make every effort to match our academic calendar to local schools. 

Delivering Funded and non Funded spaces for two, three, and four year olds

Are you eligible for help with childcare?

The Government helps many families with childcare costs, whether you have toddlers or teens, you could get support.
Visit The Childcare Choices website to find out more about what you are eligible to receive and how to make childcare as cost effective as possible.
Remember to revalidate your codes each term to remain eligible.


Our promise

To provide a safe and secure learning environment to ALL children.

Our Curriculum 

Please see policies and curriculum for a full copy of our current curriculum.
Our curriculum is designed with our current cohort in mind.  
Our curriculum supports children in developing and learning at their own pace, and in their own way. 
Our curriculum enables children to  independently access and discover the world around them and enables learning through play. 
Our preschool offers a mixed variety of free flow and adult led activities on a daily basis, for children to access freely and explore independently with support and guidance from qualified professionals. 

Everyday support for children with SEND

We have a dedicated level 3 Special Educational Needs Coordinator present during every session and we pursue close relationships with outside agencies such as speech therapists and Early intervention.

Our activities

Each day children within our preschool have access to a large hall space, a crèche area and a soft surface outside area with garden and mud kitchen. 
We provide a free flow space with activities and resources based on children's interest. 
We have spaces for exploring books, painting, exploring water and sand, a home corner, creative spaces and an ICT resources. 
All of our areas provide children with the opportunity to explore, be active and think critically. 

The Early Years Foundation Stage

The EYFS is split into separate areas of learning.
The three prime areas:  Personal, Social and Emotional Development, Physical Development and Communication and Language.
The Specific areas: Literacy, Mathematics, Understanding of the world and Expressive arts and design. 
Our preschool follows guidance from Birth to Five matters, which supports our practitioners in implementing the statutory requirements of the EYFS. More information around the EYFS can be found within preschool, or by visiting https://foundationyears.org.uk 

Providing early education since 1967

Thank You!
Thank You!


Salina Odell

Preschool Manager
Salina is a Level 4 Early Years Advanced Practitioner, Designated Safeguarding Lead and a Paediatric First Aider. 

Melanie Fletcher

Deputy Manager
Mel is a level 3 Practitioner, Deputy Safeguarding Lead, SENCO Level 3 and Paediatric First Aider  

Jayne Smith
Agi Mizere-Toth
Kim Ryde 
Laura Stoddard
Molly Parker
Abi Bullivant 
Sarah Adams 

Level 3/4 Practitioners 
Safeguarding Trained
Paediatric First Aiders

 Mickleover Methodist Preschool is dedicated to safeguarding the children in our care

All practitioners employed within our setting have up to date Disclosure and Barring checks and complete regular safeguarding training. 
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